I Don't Believe You

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Don't Believe You 
by Pink

I don't mind it
I don't mind at all
It's like you're the swing set and I'm the kid that falls
It's like the way we fight, the times I've cried, we come to blows
And every night the passion's there so it's gotta be right, right?


No I don't believe you
When you say don't come around here no more
I won't remind you
You said we wouldn't be apart
No, I don't believe you
When you say you don't need me anymore
So don't pretend
To not love me at all

I don't mind it

I still don't mind at all
It's like one of those bad dreams when you can't wake up
Looks like you've given up, you've had enough
But I want more no I won't stop
'cause I just know you'll come around... right?


Just don't stand there and watch me fall

'cause I, 'cause I still don't mind at all
It's like the way we fight, the times I cry, we come to blows
And every night the passion's there so it's gotta be right, right?


I don't believe you 

Jarang2 denger Pink nyanyi lagu melow…ini dia lagunya…dedicated to one of my closer friend “Ita”…

How To Start Your Personal Development Plan

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You must have a self improvement plan and a system for your personal development and growth. And then take consistent and continuous action. When you know in which direction you want to go, you will work on yourself, do all that you can and do your best. This is self help. And you will change and grow.

Ask yourself these few questions...

  • Do you like where you are and what you have become?
  • Have you ever wished that your life was better?
  • Is your relationship working the way you want it to be?
  • Are you producing the results that you want?
  • What makes you feel good?
  • Why do you do what you do?
  • What have you been telling yourself about you?

How do you go from here to where you want to be?
When you begin to ask yourself these types of questions, you will start looking for the answers within you. And your journey to heal, improve and grow will begin.

You are responsible for your improvements and success as well as your frustrations and lack of progress. You can choose to grow, learn, become the person you aspire, and master your life. Or you can choose to stagnate, to hesitate, and remain fearful and doubtful and live in mediocrity.

I'll assist you the best I can in helping you find the answers. These are my point of views. You decide what's useful. It's up to you to choose what's valuable and important.

It is your choice.

"We can never really change someone; people must change themselves. But we can help. We can be a resource." - Stephen R. Covey

Sumber: http://www.about-personal-growth.com/index.html  

Horeeee...akhirnya tau "Taman Safari"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Caravan ditengah hutan...heheheh

Kolam renang di area caravan

Selama 32 taun menikmati indahnya dunia, baru sabtu (9/4/2011) menginjakan kaki untuk pertama kalinya. Alhamdulillah ya Alloh…masih dikasih kenikmatan dalam hidup ini…
Caravan buat 4 orang

Kasur tingkat di ruang tengah
Single Bed di dalem kamar

Thanks juga buat geng Bugil alias Ibu2 Gila…(ga dalam arti sebenarnya dong…) yang udah mau liburan bersama di Taman Safari…
Sebelumnya qta dah booking Caravan di taman Safari, yang isinya buat 4 orang…harganya buat weekend ini Rp. 637.000,-. Isi caravannya ada kamar mandi di dalem (nyaman..) trus kasur besar buat 2 orang, sama kasur tingkat 2 buat 2 orang…ada sofa n tv. Gak ada dapur sih…jadi kalo mau masak2 yang di beranda depan. Dalem caravannya agak sempit sih, tapi over all nyaman…

Taman depan caravan

Taman depan Bungalow
Udara disana booooooo…brrrrrr…dingin banget…apalagi lantainya udah kramik gitu. Tambah dingin kalo gak pake alas kaki. Tapi yang paling hebat dinginnya adalah air di kamar mandi. Ihhhhhh itu air ko kayak dari kulkas ya…bikin beku smua anggota badan…bikin males mandi juga…tapi kepaksa harus bolak balik ke kamar mandi karena pengen sering buang air kecil (akibat udara dingin). Berhubung udaranya yang dingin makanya ga pernah berkeringat…bikin awet baju…gak perlu gonta ganti karena keringat. Depan caravan qta kebetulan ada taman, jadi bisa puas2in deh foto2 disekeliling situ. Ada juga kolam renangnya. Pokoknya asik banget.


Pengen banget ke Safari malam. Tapi ko kayaknya ngeri banget siiiii....gelapppppppp. Masuknya Rp. 75.000/orang tapi berhubung qta nginep disitu jadinya Rp. 50.000 aja. Disana juga bisa sewa speda Rp. 25.000/jam. Pokoknya banyak banget fasilitas yang bisa dinikmati. Selain binatang2 yang berkeliaran si sepanjang jalan yang dilewati ada juga permainan2 menarik buat anak2. Ada baby zoo, ada waterboom n tunggangan2 lain.

Kuda Nil
Gajah Mandi




Pokoknya pengen banget tar ama Tabee, aba n nyenye nginep lagi di TAMAN SAFARI...

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